MSCA H2020 – MSCA-RISE – 2020
Network Analysis in Neocortex during Passive and Active Learning
Kickoff Meeting on Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 via zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88198266607?pwd=cU9FVXQxREszTldJTnhRemtoTGNIUT09
Meeting ID: 881 9826 6607
Passcode: 069950
The meeting will be recorded;
Local Administration: Giannis Gavalas, FORTH, gavalas@ics.forth.gr
Session 1. Introduction 12.00 GR – 12.30 GR
Brief overview of the main WPs and objectives; partners and their roles in the project;
Overview of the CA agreement (which sets the internal guidelines for the project)
Session 2. Secondments 12:30 – 13:15 GR
Finalize the guidelines for secondees; reports to fill in by the secondees;
Identification of the secondees (and alternative secondees in case some fail to carry out the secondment);
Scheduling & Implementation of the secondments
Q/A session with our Project Officer
Session 3. Relevant Technologies & Scientific Results 14.00 – 17.15 GR
Brief presentations (~10 min presentation, ~2/3 min Q/A) from partners about relevant technologies, activities, and scientific results (emphasizing the ones related to the project)
Network Analysis Prof Maria Papadopouli, (FORTH) mgp@ics.forth.gr
Dr. Manolis Froudarakis (IMBB, FORTH), frouman@imbb.forth.gr
Imaging Dr. Romina Macco, Bruker, Paris, on the Ultima 2Pplus Romina.Macco@bruker.com
Storage and Access Andre Kempe (Prometronics) andre.kempe@prometronics.com
Prof Panayiotis Mitsias (PAGNI) p.mitsias@gmail.com
Experimentation 16.15 – 17.15 GR
Prof George Keliris (UA) georgios.keliris@uantwerpen.be
Prof Stelios Smirnakis (Harvard Medical School) smsmirnakis@bwh.harvard.edu at 16.30 GR
Prof Golshani, Peyman M.D. (UCLA) at 17.00 GR
Session 4. Technical Discussion among Partners 17.30 – 18.30 GR
Implementation of the secondments: brainstorming for preparing the joint projects
Session 5. Communication 18.30 – 19.00 GR
Define communications means within the consortium (regular meetings, newsletters, etc) and external communication (establishment of a website, project social media accounts, etc)
Session 6 Concluding remarks
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88198266607?pwd=cU9FVXQxREszTldJTnhRemtoTGNIUT09
Meeting ID: 881 9826 6607
Passcode: 069950
The meeting will be recorded;
Local Administration: Giannis Gavalas, FORTH, gavalas@ics.forth.gr
Session 1. Introduction 12.00 GR – 12.30 GR
Brief overview of the main WPs and objectives; partners and their roles in the project;
Overview of the CA agreement (which sets the internal guidelines for the project)
Session 2. Secondments 12:30 – 13:15 GR
Finalize the guidelines for secondees; reports to fill in by the secondees;
Identification of the secondees (and alternative secondees in case some fail to carry out the secondment);
Scheduling & Implementation of the secondments
Q/A session with our Project Officer
BREAK 13.15 – 14.00 GR
Session 3. Relevant Technologies & Scientific Results 14.00 – 17.15 GR
Brief presentations (~10 min presentation, ~2/3 min Q/A) from partners about relevant technologies, activities, and scientific results (emphasizing the ones related to the project)
Network Analysis Prof Maria Papadopouli, (FORTH) mgp@ics.forth.gr
Dr. Manolis Froudarakis (IMBB, FORTH), frouman@imbb.forth.gr
Imaging Dr. Romina Macco, Bruker, Paris, on the Ultima 2Pplus Romina.Macco@bruker.com
Storage and Access Andre Kempe (Prometronics) andre.kempe@prometronics.com
Prof Panayiotis Mitsias (PAGNI) p.mitsias@gmail.com
BREAK 15.15 – 15.30 GR
Experimentation 16.15 – 17.15 GR
Prof George Keliris (UA) georgios.keliris@uantwerpen.be
Prof Stelios Smirnakis (Harvard Medical School) smsmirnakis@bwh.harvard.edu at 16.30 GR
Prof Golshani, Peyman M.D. (UCLA) at 17.00 GR
BREAK 17.15 – 17.30 GR
Session 4. Technical Discussion among Partners 17.30 – 18.30 GR
Implementation of the secondments: brainstorming for preparing the joint projects
Session 5. Communication 18.30 – 19.00 GR
Define communications means within the consortium (regular meetings, newsletters, etc) and external communication (establishment of a website, project social media accounts, etc)
Session 6 Concluding remarks